Submit Your Art Artwork Info Artwork Title * Image File * Allowed filetypes .jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.heic Max Filesize 8MB Artwork Medium * Artwork Type 2D - Photography, Painting, etc3D - Sculpture, etc Artwork Year Created * Artwork Height * Artwork Width * [group ThreeDArt] Artwork Depth [/group] Check all categories that apply to you art JuneteenthLandscapePortraitPaintingPhotographyMixed MediaCollageSculptureMetalCeramicWoodGlassAbstractFigurative artContemporary artPop artRealismImpressionismSurrealismIllustration Artist Info Artist Name * Artist Email * Artist Address * Artist Phone Number * Artist Birthdate (children under 18) [group artChild] Name of Guardian (for child under the age of 18) Email of Guardian ( for child under the age of 18 ) [/group] Artist Website Is your art for sale? YesNo [group ForSale] Price $ ARTWORKS will take a 20% commission on sales to cover insurance costs. Would you like to make a larger donation? Regular - 20%30%50%100% [/group] Would you prefer to have "Anonymous" on your tag rather than your Full Name? YesNo Other Info Besides Art All Night, have you ever shown your work in another gallery? YesNo [group OtherGalleries] Where have you shown you work? [/group] Artists Agreement Art All Night - Trenton Artists Agreement * Art All Night - Trenton/Artworks Trenton assumes no responsibility or liability for the artwork submitted or artist website content. 2D artwork cannot exceed more than 36" in any direction AND artists must supply pedestals for sculptures. Sculptures cannot exceed more than 7'in height and 36" in width. Artwork will be virtually displayed on the AAN website at the discretion of the Art All Night / Artworks Trenton staff. My artwork is to remain in the gallery for the duration of the event. I may only submit one piece of artwork and I must be the artist of the work submitted. I may not promote any organization, business or person in my art. Any artwork deemed sexist, racist or pornographic will not be accepted. This is at Art All Night / Artworks Trenton’s discretion. By registering for AAN, I acknowledge that I will be added to the Artworks Trenton and Art All Night - Trenton email lists and will receive future updates about both Artworks programming and Art All Night. Artworks Trenton will never sell or share my name or contact information unless expressed by me, the artist. I agree that my artwork may be used or captured on video and still photography by Art All Night and news outlets, and that Art All Night / Artworks Trenton and news outlets covering Art All Night may use these for marketing purposes for both Art All Night and Artworks Trenton. I Agree